Guiding you to your best future




                                                        Welcome to                                                          Derana University Consultancy
   in Amman, Jordan

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          No matter how well-educated we become, we all can still use a hand in facing the challenges that life presents. One of the biggest challenges that our children face at the end of their high school years is determining what career path they would like to follow. But simply knowing what career you want is only half the battle...

          Students and Parents alike will face many challenges including but not limited to:

  • Filling out the university applications
  •  Understanding the ins and outs of all the financial obligations.
  • Researching all degrees provided by the different universities.
  • Understanding the difference in UK, US, Canadian, European, and Australian university applications.

…. and many more challenges along the way.

With over 30 years of experience in assisting students and parents to prepare for their university choice whether for an undergraduate degree, a college transfer, a change of degree and last but not least, a graduate degree program. We at DeranaUC are here to help!

For more detailed information regarding our services, please click the link below

We believe in hands-on learning so in addition to our services, we provide a variety of workshops that are available for you to attend in order to learn more about the complexities of the application process and share your experiences with other students from other schools and their parents. Our workshops are geared to assist you in understanding the ins and outs of filling an application, all the way to getting an acceptance! 

Interested in attending our workshops? Click the image above to learn more

Interested in attending our workshops? Click the image above to learn more

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